Pay once and use the track as much as you like! For a one-time fee, you get the rights to use the track in as many of your productions as you’d like, for as long as you need. There are NO recurring per-use or per-project fees or royalties.
This license includes covers, video & film productions, YouTube & Internet videos, websites, TV & Radio productions, games, commercials, broadcast & podcast productions, software, Apps, telephone on-hold messages.
Although the License is very flexible there are a few conditions. You may NOT re-sell these tracks as your own. You may NOT modify these tracks and sell as your own.
With the Simple Every Application License. There are no extra fees once you purchase a track. You CAN modify these tracks to use for yourself or end project. You CAN use these tracks in an end project you sell to a client.
All of our music is cleared to work with all media platforms such as Youtube and Facebook. So no fear of your video being flagged or blocked. This gives a peace of mind when you've spent so much time and effort to create and awesome work of art!
Although the $99 All access to the site is applicable for one full year. The same license applies. You can use the tracks as much as you like for as long as you like long after your All access ends!